Matthew 5:3 Humble of Spirit

Poor in spirit is the most common translation of this verse. But what does that really mean? Let’s find out.

In today’s culture, poor is strongly related to a financial position. But this poor is more closely related to one who is humble. The humble at that time are the people who no one admires or looks at. Often they were also poor financially. They would have been in a lowly, insignificant position, which was a favorable position to be in. These people were most open to what Jesus had to say, they had less to loose if they followed Jesus. When Jesus came along, he’s teachings were in direct contrast to what most holy teachers were teaching.

Spirit – the word here means the life principle, the breath within a person, the life, soul.

Take notice of the next word here – BECAUSE or FOR – this is telling us, listen up, what comes next is the WHY for what we just read. Remember present tense here – not something coming, something that is right now. Why are the humble in spirit happy/blessed?

Because theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.

Time out – we have to adjust what we think of when we read kingdom of heaven. It is not a future state or place, it is a current state experienced right here, right now, on earth. The kingdom of heaven exists when we have given complete authority, through Jesus Christ, to YHWH/God. A better way to think of this is Where God Reigns. It will help us adjust how we’ve been defining heaven and the kingdom of heaven. Heaven is where YHWH/God is – not up there, but anywhere YHWH/God is. And the Kingdom of Heaven is where YHWH/God is King – where he reigns – not up there, but anywhere YHWH/God is in charge, where he reigns.

Later in Mathew, Jesus is going to refer to the least and the greatest in the reign of heaven. This alone would imply the kingdom of heaven is not exclusively belonging to the humble in spirit. The humble in spirit will be a part of where God reigns/kingdom of heaven.

Happy are the humble in their life principles, their way of life, because they are where YHWH/God reigns.

That sure takes on a different meaning than what most of us are used to.

Some flashbacks which the Jewish people hearing this torah/teaching would be to Proverbs 29:23, Psalms 34:18, Isaiah 51:11-12, Isaiah 57:15, Proverbs 16:19.

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